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Top Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins in 2019

Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

WordPress is a stunning platform for managing and creating websites. This is user-friendly and has strong limitless functionality. But all the things you can now just make into your WordPress theme. But don’t worry- in many cases, there are plugins what you required. And they have listed some Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins. If you are doing all the things by WordPress theme you need so many things and it makes your website slow. And codes are complex, and long that slow your websites, but if you are using a plugin that will help you to appear your website good and speedily. And in some cases, you want to change anything you will face so many problems that’s why they are listing some plugin for the digital marketing that will help you to work easily and save you so much time.

1) Jetpack-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

jetpack plugin, wordpress degitam marketing plugins

Jetpack is the best WordPress plugin for digital marketing. Website management, security, and performance is the perfect way to WP with the Jetpack. This plugin having three important features of the jetpacks. 

1) Always-on security:- 

  1. Avoid unnecessary instructions with the spam filtering, effective brute-force attack, and malware scanning. 
  2. You can maintain your website totally backed up in real-time with single-click restore and unlimited storage. 
  3. You can receive the alerts about downtime immediately via push notifications, and email in both your browsers and mobile apps. 

2) Built-in performance:-

  1. Drive your images, load page faster, and static files from their complete network of servers. 
  2. Enhance your website and control of your SEO with this plugin website accelerator. 
  3. Shorter load time can drive easily readers, many page views and if you’re having any business store-enhance sales. 

3) Code-free customization:-

  1. Browsers many of the professionally-designed WP themes to find the perfect for the website.  
  2. Customize your blog posts, widgets, homepage and sidebars-all without using any codes.  
  3. Smoothly insert rich videos and contents, replace default search, and provide them all the high-speed within flexible search-powered services.

Try Jetpack Now

2) YoastSEO-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

yoast seo plugin, degital marketing plugin

YoastSEO is the #1 WordPress Search engine optimization plugin. This plugin was founded in 2008. This the most preferred plugin of the users, ranging from the WPBakery around the corner to a few of the most famous websites in the world. They listed the important features of this plugin:-

  1. Optimized for the keyphrases, related keywords, keywords, synonyms, and each word forms of those. 
  2. Ensure that Pinterest, Google and different platforms all know actually what your webpage is about, by including schemaa.Org data the perfect way. The rich result, faster indexing. 
  3. They all stay an eye on your essential web page and alert you when these have not been updated for six years. 
  4. The Preview of your Twitter, Google and Facebook website. 
  5. They analyze the readability of the content you write and manage the Flesch reading ease score. 
  6. Ignore confusing Google with duplicate content, by setting official URLs. 
  7. No matter how you preferred to write your blog posts in Yoast SEO and WP worked in both the block and classic editors. 
  8. Easily and simply redirect the previous URL to new once. so, you don’t miss the visitors just cause they are getting stuck on a 404 not found a webpage.

Try YoastSEO Now

3) ManageWP-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

manageWP plugin, best paid and free WP plugin

ManageWP is a perfect way to maintain WordPress websites. This plugin maintains and monitors your WordPress website from a single dashboard and manages the limitless website for free and also premium add-ons available. With the WP website management dashboard, you can set this plugin within a minute and add in your first WordPress website. With the single click, all updates run and make your first free backup. You can start saving time with automating your workflow. Here are a few features:-

jonmate theme

  1. Maintain:- Automate your regular tasks with their single click and bulk update for your websites. 
  2. Secure:- Protect your WordPress website with daily security checks and Secure you’re all the data with trusted backups. 
  3. Monitor:- Stay on the top and Monitor your WordPress website with Google analytics, Uptime monitors, SEO. 
  4. Collaborate:- Use collaborate tools for your clients and team. Single click switch between the accounts. 
  5. Client Care:- Take care of your clients to a high level with their white table tool and client reports. 
  6. Benchmark:- Optimize your WordPress website performance and enhance with their performance check.

Try ManageWP Now

4) Optinmonster-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins, optinmonster plugin

Optinmonster is the best WordPress plugin for digital marketing. Monetize and convert your website traffic, immediately increase the drives and enhance revenue with the #1 most strong conversion optimization toolkit in the global. More than six lakh websites are using this plugin to convert their traffic into sales, subscribers, and leads. All it takes is three simple and easy steps. The first step is building visually stunning offers. Second is personalized and target your offers with behavior automation. The third is to adjust and test in real-time. Here are some features of the Optinmonster:-

  1. Wonderful deals capture forms, their templates are shows to convert. Pick anyone from the 70+ pre-made templates and customized theme according to you. 
  2. A/B testing rejects the guesswork. Test various layouts, headlines, and content to check what converts the best. 
  3. Hyper segment your drives by using segmentation rules and their enterprise-grade page-level targeting. 
  4. With the insights and analytics, you can receive the stats that matter. Compare split test and check which web page converts the best to level up your website. 
  5. Send traffic to the essential webpage on your website. Include a track engagement, buttons and customize the actions with the support of the advance traffic redirection features.

Try Optinmonster Now

5) Google XML Sitemaps-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

Google XML Sitemaps plugin, best fee and paid WP plugins

Uses of the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to perfectly enhance SEO to make it simple XML sitemaps that will support search engines like Bing, Ask.com, Google and Yahoo to superior index of your website. With this plugin, it is so much easier for the crawlers to check the complete structure of your website and recover it more efficiently. The plugin help to all types of WordPress generated the page and also custom URLs. It informs you about all the mains search engines all the times you make a post about the latest contents. This plugin Supported for more than one year, top ranks and one of the best WordPress plugin. This plugin will do actually what it’s imagined to do-giving the whole XML sitemap for search engines. Some essential features of the XML sitemaps:- 

  1. License:- This plugin is free for everyone. Since it is released under the GPL, you can use it free of cost on your commercial and personal website. 
  2. Translations:- XML sitemaps comes with the different translations. This plugin comes with many other languages. You can translate the website according to your preferred website.

Try Google XML Sitemaps Now

6) Editorial Calendar-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

editorial calendar, Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

Editorial Calendar is the WordPress schedule calendar for digital marketing. Do you remember that you have to write the content post for the next Wednesday? What about the Wednesday after that? WP doesn’t do it simple and easy to check when your blog posts are scheduled. This plugin provides you an overview of your blog posts and when all the posts will be published. You can use the drag and drop page builder feature to edit posts and move posts right in the calendar and manage you all the blogs. You can try once before you are going to install it check all this plugin via their main site. You can register and then login with username and password test. This plugin provides the customer support service that if you are having any issues and want to know anything about your doubts you can directly email the theme and contact them, and they will immediately respond you and resolve your issues. Here are some features of this plugin:-

  1. Quick edit post time, post title, and contents. 
  2. Check all the posts, and when they will be posted. 
  3. Manage posts from various authors, and also manage your drafts with their latest drafts drawer. 
  4. Manage the drafts and published the posts. 
  5. Use drag and drop to change blog posts dates and time. 
  6. You can easily check the status of your blog posts.

Try Editorial Calendar Now

7) WORDFENCE SECURITY-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

wordfrence plugin, beat free and paid WP theme

WORDFENCE SECURITY plugin protects your website with the best WordPress security available. This plugin involves an endpoint firewall and malware scanner that was made from the ground up to protect WordPress. Their threat defense feed arms plugins with the latest malicious IP address, firewall rule, and malware rule, it required to maintain and keep your website safe. Here are some essential features of this plugin:-

  1. Protect your website against attacks that influence password information stolen in data sectors. Block logins for administrators using well-known compromised passwords. 
  2. Hacked attempts and monitors visit not displaying in other analytics packages in real-time; involving the time of the day, origin, and their IP address. 
  3. Efficiently and quickly block entire malicious networks, and any robot and human activity that points out suspicious intentions based on IP range and pattern matching. 
  4. Two factor authentication which means stop brute force attacks permanently by using the most protect forum of remote system authentication available. 
  5. Uses of plugin their source code verification feature to support you to recover from a hack, it tells you what changes in plugin, core and theme files, and support to repair them.


8) ALL IN ONE SEO PACK-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

all in one SEO plugin, semper plugins

All in One SEO pack pro is always single updated version ahead of the free of cost plugin that means it involves numerous another module and functionality like advance woocommerce support, a video search engine optimization module(involving Video XML Sitemaps), search engine optimization(SEO) for custom taxonomies, categories, and tags. It is advert free creating it unique for developers of those who have desires to use it on the customer’s website. this plugin involves an update and support substation which provides you access to priority support from their dedicated customers support the theme and also give you access to their library of video tutorials 

  • SEO for All:- Access the video classes on SEO and use of all in one SEO pack pro. Limitless downloads and access to improve this plugin for as long as you manage your subscription. Priority support from their dedicated support team.
  • Social media consolidation:- Access to debugging tools given by Facebook. Simply manage how your content seems on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media networks. Set picture to display when your posts are shared on social media. 
  • Connected with Bing and Google:- Submit and generate an XML sitemap to Bing and Google. Advances option for google analytics tracking. Feature manager gives access to different SEO modules making for every kind of users.

Try All in One SEO pack pro Now

9) MONSTERINSIGHTS-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

monsterinsight plugin, best free and paid plugins

MonsterInsights is the best WP analytics plugin for the website. More than 1lakh professionals who use this plugin to increase their business with confidence. #1 google analytics plugin for WP that is powerful and simple. This plugin is a good Google Analytics plugin for WP. There are some features that create this plugin the most user-friendly and strong WordPress analytics plugin in the market:-

  1. Setup universal website tracking through campaigns and devices with just a few clicks. Without using any codes. 
  2. Watch your website analytics report right inside your WP dashboard with illegal insights. 
  3. Receive all-time inside WordPress to watch who is online, who is not and what are they doing. 
  4. Single click google analytics enhanced eCommerce tracking for Woocommerce Easy member press and digital downloads. 
  5. Receive the whole stats for all the pages and post, so, you can see the most famous section of your website, posts, and pages. 
  6. Create google analytics compliance with GDPR and various privacy regulation automatically. 
  7. Automatically track how click come on the affiliated banner ads, links and other outbound links with their link tracking.

Try MonsterInsights Now

10) TABLEPRESS-Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

tablepress plugin, Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins

Tablepress enable you to simply manage and create wonderful tables. You can embed the tables into text widgets, posts, and pages with the easy shortcode. Table data can be edited in a spreadsheet-like interface, so no, coding is important. It can come with formulas and data that will access. Include JavaScript library adds features such as pagination, website visitors, sorting and filtering. This plugin can be exported and imported from CSV, JSON file, Excel and HTML. 

  1. After installing the table, you can make and manage the table on the TablePress screen in the WordPress dashboards. 
  2. To display of your table in a text widget, on the pages, and in the posts, just embed the shortcodes into the text widgets/posts/pages, where is your ID of the table. 
  3. You can also enter tables by clicking the table button in the editor toolbar and then choosing the preferred table. 
  4. If you want to change the design of the table you can do this by inserting CSS commands into the Custom CSS text place on the plugin option screen. 
  5. You can also include some best features such as print name and descriptions, sorting, filtering, alternating row colors, pagination, and row highlighting by installing the corresponding checkboxes on the tables “Edit” screen.

Try Tablepress Now

Final Word For The Top Digital Marketing WordPress Plugins in 2019:-

You are having a list of few great WP plugins that should address many of your WP desired and requirements. All the plugins are fully responsive and easy to use. And you can easily install all the plugin. That will help to make the WordPress digital marketing website. If you are looking for any plugin for digital marketing just check this list and I hope you will find the best plugin according to your requirements.


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Tags: , , Last modified: October 31, 2019