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Ways To Build A Loyal Customer Base With Content Marketing

A key goal of content marketing is to build a business name that impacts audience decisions.

Content marketing permits a business to form an audience that revels its content, involves with it, and exchanges it with peers. The outcome: a powerful content-based brand that draws the latest and recurrent customers.

So, what does it require to create an avid fanbase with content marketing?

Let’s consider the following approaches.

Earmark Your Target Audience

Earmark Your Target Audience

Branded content requires to carry a conversation with a certain audience. So, you need to dive deep into the contests, motivations, and interests of your focussed audience. These are 2 instances of such persona kinds:

College students seeking street food alternatives in their city. The challenge is a restricted budget to dine out. Aspiration: to be a foodie. Interests: passive income alternatives, investment opportunities.

A well-detailed and narrow persona provides the foundation for designing audience-centric content. In the matter of financial services firm FastCapital360, to highlight small business managers it composed a blog to serve their needs:

From assistance on how to install an email account to tips on advertising, the blog comprises a go-to means for its audience.

Build A Genuine Voice

Observe the herd mentality and remain mediocre, or build a specific content style and avoid the digital noise. A rare voice presents a clear character to your content marketing, enticing an audience that is drawn to your voice and understands what to hope from every content piece.

For example, energy drink brand Red Bull has designed a voice that embodies thrill, adventure, and extreme sports. And it has collected around itself ardent adventure-sports fans.

Red Bull holds sporting events, screens them, and transmits them by video content on its online assets. It has developed a fanbase of 48 million followers on Facebook and 8.94 million members on YouTube

Yardstick Content Quality

In present competitive content marketing surrounding, quality occupies center stage. The description of quality is not restricted to formatting, content length, and visual attraction solely.

These steps aid you promote your content quality and make it stand apart:

Build an inspiration deck of superb content pieces from inside your niche and external of it.
Act on your quality documentation depending on audience attitude and reactions.
Rank your content on the basis of predefined parameters connected to your brand’s quality norms.
Query your audience about their content choices.
Working on enhancing content quality is important for attaining resonance with an audience and developing affinity between you and the audience.

Act On Accomplishing Thought Leadership

Loyal Customer Base With Content Marketing

58% of whole B2B decision takers use 1-3 hours reading thought-leadership content on a weekly roster (with 21% reading more than 4 hours each week) as per Edelman Insights

Thought-leadership does not occur overnight. However, companies, whether B2B or B2C, that enter deep within a niche and tread out of their way to aid their audience to finish becoming leaders.

For example, Michelle Phan emerged as a thought-leader within the beauty and make-up group by publishing specific and expert video content.

She then inaugurated 2 beauty brands: EM Cosmetics and Ipsy. Her YouTube channel has more than 8.9 million members. Ipsy’s Facebook page has more than 5 million subscribers.

Thought-leadership generates the proper aura near your brand and normally draws greater people to it and its items.

Hug Storytelling

Relatable episodes entertain and build memorable experiences. You can say different kinds of stories:

The concept behind beginning your business – its bigger purpose, vision, goals, and mission
Awards, achievements, and milestones
The challenges and struggles in your trip
Stories including your employees or customers
Rear scenes of the company
“In reality, our largest content successes were items that said stories of how Chanty got success as a startup,” tells Olga Mykhoparkina, CMO at Chanty, an AI-activated team chat app. “We utilized content marketing to increase our company from 0 to 40,000 monthly portal visits, which took us about 2 years.”

Real stories design long-lasting imprints and develop strong bonds.

Discover Your Focus

discover your focus


Every marketing channel requires its personal content type. Designing a blogging community is separate from developing a YouTube channel, for instance.

Concentrating on a sole channel and content type is a more results-based approach to content marketing: The plan serves specific audience interests and needs.

American Express, for instance, homed-in on user-created blog content to compose a community of small business managers.

Marketoonist has built a mark by highlighting humorous cartoons:

GoPro, the expert camera maker, has created a subscriber base of 7.89 million on YouTube. The channel contains videos designed by professional athletes employing GoPro products.

Highlighting the proper content format and channel is important for building an effect with your messages.

Effect A Mindset Shift

effect a mindset shift

The perfect content marketing mindset concerns placing the audience first; it’s about operating a parallel media company beside your business.

For instance, Penny Hoarder is among the largest media companies in the individual finance space. The publishing company has more than 16 million monthly blog readers and more than 6 million Facebook fans.

Penny Hoarder was able to obtain a huge following with 2 major strategies:

  • A procedure to scale content
  • Mission-oriented content

Thinking like a journalist, not a salesperson or pushy marketer, aids you to not just revel the process of building and exchanging useful content – which lets you know you’re on the correct track – but also design content that is useful for your audience.

Think Like A Media Company

think like a media company

There is a specific feeling of involvement people possess for their preferred magazines, music, TV shows or movies. Audience experience an emotional bond with the content they adore. The success of content marketing rests on the quantity of care and followers it can bring – not straight sales.

The objective of a media company is to involve the audience and make them enjoy the content they are creating. Acting as a media house aids content marketers to sympathize with the content requirements of the audience – a process that aids to achieve the brand objective of gaining appreciation from likely customers.

Adhere To Single Content Type

In a wide channel world with many content formats, it’s simpler to perplex the audience before even catching their attention. Whereas it’s excellent to test with various kinds of content, selecting to concentrate on one, can build magic: podcasts, videos, blog posts or images.

Marketoonist built a society of marketers by publishing marketing cartoons, for example. Putting emphasis on a single content type is successful since the audience for every type is separate – those who choose blog posts always seek to read them and so onwards.

Get Persistent

Loyal Customer Base With Content Marketing


It’s not practical to expect outcomes from content marketing within a day, week, or month. Developing an audience is a gradual, long-drawn procedure. The aim of content marketing is to build an extraordinary body of work that draws the proper people. Apart from that, followers and fans remain with businesses that create content frequently.

It’s important to possess a content calendar and a continuing promotional and publishing schedule. Marketers should not perform the mistake of over-scrutinizing their efforts. If they view an increase in the audience (number of fans, video watchers, blog readers,etc.) each month or quarter, they’re on the correct track.


Most effective content marketing brands have succeeded to compose a big yet concentrated audience for their content. These businesses have conducted an honest attempt to know who they’re focussing on and how to turn them happy.

Content marketing isn’t about chasing vanity metrics; it’s about cultivating permanent relationships with those who matter by being consistent about building content experiences that are loved.

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Tags: Last modified: March 23, 2020